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YFS 09/08/09 Minutes

Members present:  
R. Allen, S. Cummins, K. Hanratty, B. Ruth, D. Shearer, P. Viggiano, J. Welsh
Also present:
Director Larry Freundlich, Recording Secretary Linda McCall, Guest Speaker Youth Coordinator Jane Moen
S. Barnes

Call to Order:  Secretary Allen called the meeting to order at 5:06 p.m.  

Comments from the Public: none present

Review of Minutes of June 2, 2009:  Reviewed the minutes.  Hanratty made motion to approve the minutes as typed; seconded by Ruth.  Vote taken and the minutes were approved unanimously.

Vice Chairman’s Comments:

Director’s Report:  verbal report
1. Introduced Youth Coordinator Jane Moen and asked her to talk about her programs.  Moen spoke about last year’s REACH program in which high school students were trained to lead substance abuse prevention presentation and workshops for 6th grade students.  She also provided detail about the two extensive Summer Community Service Projects she developed with allies from the community (Land Trust, Maritiem Education, CRERPA Recycling Center, Shoreline Soup Kitchens and Garden, Stop and Shop).  Participants were given suggestions for opportunities for them to continue their efforts as individuals throughout the year.  In response to question from Shearer about expanding scope of program Director addressed constraints due to limit on staff hours – Moen only works 18 hours/week.  Discussion moved to LPC Business item on MADD Power Camp while Moen was present.  Agency co-sponsored the attendance of two of the student leaders from REACH at the substance abuse prevention camp this summer.  They have developed a plan they wish to implement this school year following a meeting scheduled with Moen, the Principal and Assistant Principal and the two students.  They will start a 6-week club at the High School (Students Against Destructive Decisions) as part of the After School Clubs initiative.  Director commented that the use of youth in leadership roles this past year will continued this school year.  Discussion moved to New Business item on Youth Asset Team while Moen was present.  Director reported the Youth Asset Team will be the umbrella group that will meet regularly, e.g. monthly, and will have under it different spokes for the different projects that members will commit to, e.g. substance abuse prevention activities; community events like Variety Show and Family Day, etc.  Welsh asked if there would be a point person at the high school to act as an advisor.  Discussed possible stipend for a teacher or aide to act as advisor/liaison to high school group and to Moen and Palmieri.  Hanratty made motion for Director to explore a stipend position at the high school for the Youth Asset Team and report back at October meeting.  Allen seconded the motion.  Discussion: explore what is a stipend position, explore how it will be funded, who would be appropriate.  Vote taken and the motion was unanimously approved.  Thanks were given to Moen for speaking this evening and she left.
2. Director reported it had been a difficult summer due to covering programs while trying to keep hours down.  He reported Administrative Assistant had been out on unexpected sick leave for 5 weeks and agency is still without a Clerical Assistant.
3. Director reported Youth Summer Stock presented Mulan.  40 youth (entering grades 7 – 9) performed in the 2-week program.  35 youth (entering grades 5 & 6) performed in the 1-week program).
4. 10 7th graders graduated from our 5-day/overnight Wilderness Challenge this summer.  Great feedback from the parents at our Parent Night follow-up.  Director put together a video for Parent Night and will show it to the Commission at the end of the meeting.
5. Director reported two part-time positions are still frozen: Clerical Assistant and Mentor Coordinator.
6. Director reported the Board of Education has not hired anyone for the Drug and Alcohol Counseler postion.  During last year the BOE had readvertised the position as a Student Assistance Counselor (master’s level clinician) with Drug and Alcohol experience.  Director reported $10,000 is sitting dedicated to turn over to the BOE for this position in this year’s Drug-Free Communities grant.  Director will report back to Commission on Board of Education’s plan with respect to this position at the October meeting.
7. Director announced Family Day is scheduled for Sunday, September 27, 2009 from noon to 3:00, with a rain date scheduled for October 4th.  The Kate will be open for tours in conjunction with our program.
8. Director distributed a comparative summary of the Summer Teen Trips put together by Volunteer Coordinator Wendy Mill.  He noted increased participation over the last 3 years.  He credited dissemination of publicity on Teen Trips via the Community Email system for some of that increase.  The trips are coordinated with Park and Rec’s Summer Camp for Teens in grades 6 –8 to save on transportation costs.
9. Director reported the towns of Clinton and Haddam/Killingworth have just been awarded Drug-Free Communities grants.  Their applications now incorporate the asset model we have been using.  We were also notified that we were approved for our ninth year of funding ($100,000).  DFC Grant year is October 1 to September 30.
10.  Director reported he has been asked to speak in Brookfield Thursday with their Local Prevention Council (includes Superintendent of Schools, Director of Parks and Recreation and Chief of Police among others) about our work and successes with the Developmental Asset model..

Local Prevention Council Business:
1. Search Survey - Director reported we are trying to obtain permission from DFC Officer to delay the required survey one year (from 2 to 3 years).  He will report back in October.
2. MADD Power Camp – discussed earlier

Old Business:
1. Budget Updates – Director provided updates on FY 2010 grants:
United Way – both grants received, cut slightly to $19,500 combined.
State Dept of Ed. – YSB grant maintained at level funding and Enhancement grant maintained at level funding.
SAMHSA – DFC grant approved for year 9; current grant goes to September 30th.  We will have to start looking at sustaining after year 10.  At this point we have a $27,000 surplus due to the freezes in grant positions from the Selectmen.  Director indicated his frustrations of not being able to hire grant funded staff or provide adequate hours to present staff to fill the void, when a significant surplus of grant monies remain available.  Director plans to meet with the First Selectman to discuss the surplus and the Town’s plan for the positions.  Welsh asked for a better understanding of what the roadblocks are and what the Commission can do to address them.  Discussed possibility of carrying over the surplus to next grant year and developing a plan to use the moneys to help the children in our community.  Shearer noted any plan needs to remain in the context of the grant application, that grantors have restrictions on how money can be used.  Director will call Washington (DFC Officer) for clarification of carryover guides.  Allen made motion that we formulate a budgetary plan, upon confirmation from Washington, as to projected $36,000 surplus from the DFC grant to effectively use said monies.  Ruth seconded.  Vote was taken and the motion was unanimously approved.  Action Steps were defined: Director to obtain confirmation from Washington and email Commission members as to result.  Director to notify Selectmen of the motion.  A meeting of the Commission or a sub-committee (to be determined) will be scheduled to address this budgetary plan.
2. Selection of Student Representative – Candidates noted previous meeting (Towne, Rubano and Vilardi); No progress made.  Will select a candidate to bring to next meeting.
3. Freshman Retreat – Director reported 130 students attended and everyone actively participated in the activities.  The new principal was actively engaged as well and enjoyed the opportunity.  Director reported this year’s Retreat cost $13,000 of which Youth and Family Services paid $7,000.  Principal Barton is requesting money from the Educational Foundation to offset some of the cost: school system had decided they couldn’t charge a $25 fee to the students because it is now a mandated program.  Discussion about keeping the momentum going for future years.  Hanratty noted that Youth and Family Services should be credited in the newspapers and public forums for its role in creating and coordinating the Retreat.  Shearer suggested opportunities be created for youth to address the Board of Education and Selectmen and Town Hall meeting to share with the community how the Retreat impacted them.  Hanratty suggested a booth at Family Day “Ask Me About the Retreat”.  Director was asked to provide a financial summary next meeting and identify ways to empower kids to address BOE and Selectmen.
4. HCHY Planning Retreat – Administrative Assistant reported the HCHY Advisory Board met twice over the summer to plan for the coming year.  Three of the major items addressed: identified sectors to engage further and some action steps to do so; established theme for the year “Parents, School, Community: Working Together to Give Kids What They Need to Succeed”; discusses successes and challenges of Mini-Grant program – offshoot – provide technical assistance and guidance to community groups for projects without necessarily funding the projects.

New Business:
1. Youth Asset Team – Discussed earlier.
2. Youth Employment Program – Director reported his concern that this program cannot run effectively because of Selectmen’s freeze.  Although this program has a lot of potential, the Agency does not have the staff or hours to coordinate the program as it should be done.  He cited concern for liability.  Youth should be interviewed, employers should be interviewed and there should be follow-up.  In response to question about how much time would be needed: initially to start-up (updating and talking with students) could take a few weeks and then once it got going perhaps 2 –3 hours per week.  Administrative Assistant reported the program initially was under the Youth Coordinator’s responsibility years ago when that position was 28 hours/week.  It then was handled by the Clerical Assistant.  Consensus: will continue to discuss this issue further.  .

Other Business:   

There being no further business to discuss Hanratty made motion to adjourn.  Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda B. McCall
Administrative Assistant